
A Message From Grandma:
Grandpa turns 80!
Grandpa and I met at a party in September, 1967. I was just beginning my first job as a social worker at Sewall Easter Seal Center in Denver. I was immediate attracted to Jim. He had recently returned from Vietnam and working as Sewall’s van driver. I loved his quick smile and kind nature. He treated all the patients with respect. He made them laugh.
Jim and I were married in March, 1968. Garth was born in 1969 and Jason was born four year’s later, in 1973. Now we have five wonderful grandchildren, all of whom share Jim’s quick smile and kind nature.
Grandpa’s life has not been easy. And yet, he always bounces back. He is admired by his family, his friends, his neighbors, and the members of his church. He is my best friend and trusted confidant. We’ve spent fifty-eight years together. Thank you, Jim! It’s been a good life.